What is EFT?
What is EFT?
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) was founded by Gary Craig in 1995. Its initial form, frequently called EFT Tapping or just Tapping, is often referred to as acupuncture without the discomfort of needles. Instead, we gently tap with our fingertips on the end points of a specific handful of the body’s energy meridians while we “tune in” to the issue we want to release. This elegantly simple tapping procedure releases the energetic disruptions that actually cause our physical imbalances and unwanted emotions. Unlike many conventional healing methods, EFT addresses the cause of the problem, paving the way for long-lasting healing results.
EFT has been successfully used to resolve a variety of emotional issues such as stress, anxiety, fear, phobias, grief, guilt, trauma, anger, addictive cravings, depression, self-sabotage, low self-esteem, personal and sports performance issues, and the list goes on. And because of the mind/body connection, bringing relief to our emotional issues often impacts the physical body very positively as well.
In 2014, EFT founder Gary Craig introduced a second form of EFT called Optimal EFT.
This latest advancement of EFT shares the same foundational structure of EFT Tapping, but instead of tapping, we invite the power of our “spiritual healer within” to heal the specific negative emotion or limiting belief we are tuned into in a way that serves us best. So as not to interfere with anyone’s spiritual or religious preferences, we refer to this power as The Unseen Therapist. It is actually known by many names, such as God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Love, Source, Higher Self, Spirit, and others. This innovation has made the EFT process deeper, broader, and more efficient than physical tapping, often resulting in what we call “impossible healings.”
EFT Highlights
Simple technique, easy to learn and do.
No drugs or equipment are involved.
Often provides relief in minutes.
Results are usually long lasting.
High success rate, typically 80% or better.
Gentle and painless.
Can be self-applied.
Can be performed at any time and any place.
Works in a complementary way with other therapies.
Works whether you’re skeptical or not.
Doesn’t matter how long you’ve had the problem.
Often works when nothing else will.
EFT is not meant to replace conventional medicine or any other healing practice. Physical healing may naturally occur when negative emotions are released. While you may be tempted to discontinue medications or other medical protocols, please make sure you do this only as guided by your physician.